Performance / Transformance: Editorial
DOI :éférences
Austin, JL. How To Do Things With Words. London: Oxford University Press, 1962.
Felman, Shoshanna. Le Scandale du corps parlant: Don Juan avec Austin, ou la séduction en deux langues. Paris: Seuil, 1980.
Feral, Josette. "Performance et théâtralité: le sujet démystifié," in Feral, et. al., 125-139.
Feral, Josette, Jeannette Laillou Savona, Edward A. Walker, eds.
Théâtralité, écriture, mise en scène. Montréal.' HMH, 1985.
Goldberg, Marianne. "Ballerinas and Ball Passing." Women &
Performance.' A Journal of Feminist Theory. 3, No.2 (1987/8), 7-31. Irigaray, Luce. Speculum of the Other Woman. Trans. Gillian Gill. Ithaca: Cornell, 1985a.
Irigaray, Luce. This Sex Which is Not One. Trans. Catherine Porter. Ithaca: Cornell, 1985b.
Lacan, Jacques. Feminine Sexuality: Jacques Lacan and the "Ecole Freudienne. " Ed. Juliet Mitchell and Jacqueline Rose. Trans.
Jacqueline Rose. New York: W.W. Norton, 1982.
Monk, Philip. "Véhicule commun: artistes en performance," in Feral, et. al., 113-124.
Schechner, Richard. Performance Theory. 2nd.ed. Rev. New York.' Routledge, 1988.
Zumthor, Paul. Performance, réception, lecture. Montréal: Préambule, 1990.