Collaboration in the Feminine: Daphne Marlatt /Betsy Warland's 'Re-versed Writing' in Double Negative
DOI :éférences
Betsy Warland, 'as a writer, what is my relationship to LITERATURE,' SP/ELLES (Windsor: Black Moss, 1986), 112.
Daphne Marlatt and Betsy Warland, 'Reading and Writing Between the Lines,' Tessera 5 (1988), 85.
Wayne Koestenbaum, Double Talk: The Erotics of Male Literary Collaboration (New York: Routledge, 1989).
Nicole Brossard, The Aerial Letter, trans. Marlene Wildeman (Toronto: The Women's Press, 1988), 105-106.
Daphne Marlatt and Betsy Warland, Double Negative (Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island: gynergy books, 1988), 25.
Adrienne Rich, 'When We Dead Awaken,' On Lies, Secrets, and Silence (New York: Norton, 1979), 35.
Adrienne Rich, 'Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence,' Blood, Bread, and Poetry (New York: Norton, 1986).
Nancy J. Vickers, 'Diana Described: Scattered Women and Scattered Rhyme,' Writing and Sexual Difference, ed. Elizabeth Abel (Chicago: UP of Chicago, 1982)
'From Radical to Integral,' Aerial Letter, 113.
Luce Irigaray, 'Commodities Among Themselves,' This Sex Which Is Not One, trans. Catherine Porter (Ithaca, New York: Cornell UP, 1985), 196.
Brenda Carr, 'Between Continuity and Difference: an Interview with Daphne Marlatt,' forthcoming in TishNOW, ed. Douglas Barbour.
Teresa de Lauretis, 'The Essence of the Triangle or, Taking the Risk of Essentialism Seriously: Feminist Theory in Italy, the U.S., and Britain,' difference 1 (Summer 1989), 5.
Linda Hutcheon, 'Incredulity Toward Metanarrative: Negotiating Postmodernism and Feminisms,' Tessera 7 (1989), 41.