Ex-centriques, Eccentric, Avant-Garde: Women and Modernism in the Literatures of Canada


  • Barbara Godard




Félicité Angers, Angéline de Montbrun (1884, rpt. Montréal, 1950).

Ivor Arnold, "Le vers libre au Canada: Notes à propos d'un problème de datation," Studies in Canadian Literature, 5. 2 (Fall, 1980), pp. 234-5.

Margaret Atwood, "Paradoxes and Dilemmas," in Gwen Matheson, ed. Women in the Canadian Mosaic (Toronto, 1976), pp. 257-274.

Julia Beckwith, St. Ursula's Convent (1824, rpt. SackVille, N.B., 1980).

George Bowering, "Snow Red and The Short Stories of Audrey Thomas," Open Letter, 3rd series, no. 5 (Summer, 1976), pp. 28-39.

Frances Brooke, The History of Emily Montague (1769, rpt, Toronto, 1961).

Nicole Brossard, L'Amèr (Montréal, 1977)

Nicole Brossard, "E muet mutant," trans. by M.L. Taylor. Ellipse, nos. 23 & 24 (1979), pp. 51 & 53.

Nicole Brossard, un livre (Montréal, 1970).

Nicole Brossard, "Prose Today," trans. by Cedric P. May. Ellipse, nos. 23 & 24 (1979), p. 29.

Nicole Brossard, These Our Mothers, trans. by Barbara Godard (Toronto, 1983).

Carol P. Christ, Diving Deep and Surfacing: Women Writers in Spiritual Quest (Boston, 1980), Chapter 4.

Octave Crémazie, "Letter of January 29, 1867," in Oeuvres Complètes (Québec, 1892), p. 40.

Barry Dane, "National Literature," (1884, The week) in Carl Ballstadt, ed., The Search for English Canadian Literature (Toronto, 1975), p. 117.

Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, Kajka, pour une littérature mineure (Paris, 1975).

Barbara Godard, "Between One Cliché and Another," Studies in Canadian Literature 3, no. 2 (Summer, 1978), 149-165.

Barbara Godard, "The Narrative of a Narrative: Maillet's Don l'Orignal," Atlantis, V, no. 1 (Fall, 1979), pp. 51-69.

Barbara Godard, "Transgressions," Fireweed, nos. 5 & 6, pp. 120-129.

Bethany Ladimer, "Madness and the Irrational in the Work of André Breton.' A Feminist Perspective," Feminist Studies , VI, no. 1 (Spring, 1980), pp. 175-195. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2307/3177656

Suzanne Lamy, d'elles (Montréal, 1979), p. 89. "Litanie des litanies."

Margaret Laurence, The Diviners (Toronto, 1974).

Dennis Lee, "Country, Cadence, Silence," Open Letter, 2nd series, 6 (Fall, 1973), p. 37.

Gabriel M. Lussier, O. P, "Compte-rendu," Revue Dominicaine, 50, 1 (février, 1944), pp. 125-7.

Hugo MacPherson, "The Garden and the Cage: The Achievement of Gabrielle Roy," Canadian Literature 1 (Summer, 1959) pp. 46-57.

Christiane Makward, "Nouveau regard sur la critique féministe en France," Revue de l'Université d'Ottawa, 50, no. 1 (janvier, 1980), pp. 47-54.

Mère Marie de L'lncarnation, Lettres (Paris, 1681)

Mère Marie de L'lncarnation, Word From New France, trans. Joyce Marshall (Toronto, 1967).

Pamela McCallum, "Communication and History: Themes in Innis and Laurence," Studies in Canadian Literature 3, 1 (Winter, 1978), pp. 5-16.

Beverly Mitchell, "Association and Allusion in The Double Hook," Journal of Canadian Fiction. Il, 1 (Winter, 1973), pp. 63-70.

Alice Munro, Lives of Girls and Women (Toronto, 1971).

Anaïs Nin, The Novel of the Future (New York, 1970), p. 1.

Catherine Ross, "A Singing Spirit: Female Rites of Passage in Klee Wyck, Surfacing and The Diviners," Atlantis, IV, no. 1 (Autumn, 1978), pp. 86-94.

Gabrielle Roy, Alexandre Chênevert (Montréal, 1955).

Gabrielle Roy in an interview with Donald Cameron, Conversations with Canadian Writers, Il (Toronto, 1973), p. 130.

Robert Scholes, Structuralism and Literature (New Haven, 1974), p. 194.

Elaine Showalter, A Literature of Their Own (Princeton, 1977), P, 13.

Elizabeth Smart, By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept (London, 1945', rpt. New York, 1966).

Dorothy Smith, "An Analysis of Ideological Structures: How Women Are Excluded: Considerations for Academic Women," Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 12 (November 1975), P. 353. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1755-618X.1975.tb00543.x

Warren Tallman, "Wonder Merchants: Modernist Poetry in Vancouver During the 1960's," Open Letter, 3rd series, no. 6 (1976), p. 186.

Thérèse Tardif, Désespoir de vieillefille (Montréal, 1941). Anne Hébert, Le torrent (Montréal, 1941).

Audrey Thomas, Blown Figures (Vancouver, 1974)

Audrey Thomas, "Interview," Capilano Review, 7 (Spring, 1975), pp. 87-109.

Audrey Thomas, Latakia (Vancouver, 1979)

Audrey Thomas, Mrs. Blood (Vancouver, 1970)

Gérard Tougas, Histoire de la littérature canadienne-française, ed. (Paris, 1964), pp. 92-5.

Sheila Watson, The Double Hook (Toronto, 1959).

Sheila Watson, "The Style Is the Machine," Open Letter, 3rd series, no. 1 (Winter, 1974-5), p. 168.




Comment citer

Godard, B. (1984). Ex-centriques, Eccentric, Avant-Garde: Women and Modernism in the Literatures of Canada. Tessera, 1. https://doi.org/10.25071/1923-9408.23492


